Organ Warranty
Accession Number:
paper, cardboard, wood
28cm (width)
23cm (length)
1.5cm (depth)
23cm (width)
16.5cm (length)
gold frame with a black background that has three green leaves and a few blue details sticking out from around the warranty paper itself. the warranty paper is yellowed and has both black and white lettering. on the top the lettering is printed and large and on the bottom it is cursive and is smaller.Marks/Labels
W.W. Kimball Co.;ESTABLISHED 1857; WARRANTY.; Chicago, C-17-1896; This is to Certify that _______ No. 206538; MANUFACTURED BY W.W. KIMBALL CO. IS FULLY WARRANTED for five years as to material and workmanship. Should it prove defective, within that time, we will make the same good. This warranty does not include the tuning of the Instrument. W.W. Kimball Co.; Northern Litho Co. Chicago.7.Category