Block, Wood


Accession Number:
Picture Block Front: appears to be a solid rectangular wood block stained red and measuring 2.2cm thick by 25.2cm wide and 41.5cm long. Majority of the block has been chiseled away with a circular headed tool leaving 4 larger relief designs and 19 small (1cm by .5cmwide) mostly in the bottom right section of the block. There are 3 larger designs in a line in the bottom half of the block approximately 6cm apart. The first design begins 3cm from the left edge and 6cm up from the bottom edge. This design is made up of 2 smaller designs; the bottom 5 cm long by 2.5 cm wide, then there is about a 1cm gap and the top design is 4.5cm long and 2cm wide at the left and curving to a point on the right. The second design is shaped similar to an "I" with the top line being 9cm long with a 2 by 2cm shaped "U" carved into the middle. The design then narrows to approximately 4cm long for 3.5cm and then flares out to 7cm along the bottom. Inside the narrow section are linear grooves. The third design is shaped like a right triangle; bottom-7.5cm, right-2.5cm; then there is a short up and left diagonal-4.2cm; and a final downward curve approx.- 7cm. The 4th large design is centered in the top section and is shaped like a sideways "H". The top measures 6cm long then narrows to 2cm by 2.2cm wide and then flares out to 9.5cm long. Stain is concentrated to raised designs and the surrounding area. Sides: some residual red stain, mostly along the bottom. Back: 2 strips of paper attached to the left side and some residual red and blue stain, mostly on the right side. Possibly some black ink transfer across mid-body of wood block, looks to be series of lines running parallel to one another, concentrated in centre.
Wood (basswood or pine)
41.5 cm L x 25.2 cm W x 2.2 cm H
Printing T&E