Block, Wood


Accession Number:
Picture block Front: stained yellow. This block is chiseled down using a circular headed tool. The main feature of this block is a giant circle, measuring 44.7cm in diameter, which represents a drum, and begins 36cm from the top and 1.7cm from the left and right sides. In the bottom part of the circle are 4 designs that belong to a clown (not shown in this block). Starting on the left is a design that looks like the spiky part of a spur, about 0.5cm wide by 2cm long. Next to the right is a chiseled circle 4.8cm in diameter. To the right of this is an indent representing the clown's arm about 11.5cm long by 3cm wide, flaring to 5cm wide at the cuff. Finally, to the right and up is the outline of the clown's ear approximately 4cm long by 2cm wide. In the bottom left corner of the block is the raised design of a duck's beak and feet. Then there are 2 more designs to the right of the duck, representing the clown's pant cuffs. The first is shaped like a "C" (8.7cm at widest points by 11.4cm long by 3.6cm wide-body). The second cuff is near the bottom right corner, and is 10.5cm wide by 3.2cm long. The stain is much more concentrated on the raised designs and is more brown in the chiseled sections. Sides: residual ink stain on sides near the front. One drop of red ink stain on the right side. Back: Paper glued horizontally across the middle and one square above this on the right side. Residual red and brown stained fingerprints around the edges. "BOTT" stamped in red ink on the right side, partially covered by the glued paper. Black ink marks in the grain.
Wood (basswood or pine)
65.90000000000001 cm L x 48.2 cm W x 2.2 cm H
;"BOTT" is stamped in red on the right side halfway down.
Printing T&E