Block, Wood

Block, Wood


Accession Number:
It is a wood picture block connected using the tongue and groove technique. Front: chiseled rectangle with raised polished wood which outline designs, and is stained dark blue. A 0.7cm wide raised line outlines the edges of the block. A similar line cuts through the middle (32.5cm from the bottom) creating 2 sections. The bottom section is just chiseled down, but there is an outline of a baseball scene in the top section. A player is sliding into a base while the opposite team's player crouches to catch the ball. There are clouds of dust all around them from the player (on the right) sliding on the ground. From head to toe, the sliding player on the right is 34.3cm long, and from his hand to his head he is 16.0cm tall. Only the top half of the player who is crouching to catch the ball is visible because of the dust clouds at his feet. He is about 15cm tall (from glove to head) and 17.3cm wide (from back to glove). The ball is 1.4cm in diameter and is 0.3cm from his glove. There are 4 horizontal lines (of varying lengths) behind the ball to show speed. Back: strip of masking tape at the top with "DAG 284" written in red ink. Below it the previous temporary number is written in pencil.
Wood (basswood or pine)
65.3 cm L x 48.3 cm W x 2.3 cm H
Printing T&E