Block, Wood


Accession Number:
Tongue and groove rectangular picture block. Front: stained red. Block is mostly raised wood creating a detailed version of the boy's shirt. The shirt takes up most of the block. There is a small section in the upper left corner which creates a shoulder/neck shape below. Across the top and down 3/4 of the right side is chiseled as well to create the neck/collar/shoulder. Inside the center of the block is a chiseled and carved out outline of the boy's hand. Carved into the raised wood are grooves to emphasize the collar, the boy's right forearm, shirt pocket and left arm. Red stain is concentrated to the raised wood. Chiseled areas have been carved out with a circular tool. Sides: residual red stain and black marks in the wood grain Back: "Red" and "S.V. [Creameries]"? written on the back center in pencil. Some black ink marks in the grain.
Wood (basswood or pine)
18.7 cm L x 15.7 cm W x 2.3 cm H
;"Red" and "S.V [Creameries]" written in pencil on the back--last word in S.V is illegible but may be "creameries".
Printing T&E