Block, Wood


Accession Number:
Wood picture block joined using the tongue and groove technique. Front: rectangle that is stained dark blue, except for the middle chiseled area in the bottom section. A 1.0cm wide raised line borders the edges of the block. There is a raised section. A 1.0cm wide raised line borders the edges of the block. There is a raised line 32.9cm from the bottom edge with shapes that appear to be bushes or trees in the distance on the right and left sides. Standing in the middle of this line is a 30.2cm tall pitcher winding up to throw the ball. The wood is raised and outlines his figure. The length from his back to his outstretched right foot is 26.8cm. 1.5cm to the right of his left foot; which is on the ground, is a small raised outline in the shape of a 2.8cm tall man. The bottom half of the block is just chiseled down. There is a hole drilled through the wood in the bottom left corner. Sides: there is a label on the bottom side with the previous temporary number written on it. Back: there is a strip of masking tape on the top left side with "DAG 286" written on it in red ink
Wood (basswood or pine)
65.3 cm L x 48.3 cm W x 2.3 cm H
Printing T&E