Block, Wood


Accession Number:
*Picture Block* Possibly tongue and groove rectangular block and measures 2.2cm thick by 50.3cm wide (horizontal) and 40.5cm long (vertical). *Block is the second part of a trio of blocks 2015.1.141a (blue), 2015.1.141b (red), and 2015.1.141c (yellow). * Front: Stained red. Majority of this board has been recessed using a circular chisel leaving relief sections of outline and picture details. Starting in the top left corner is the detailing for a clown. In relief wood, starting 5.5cm from the left edge and 3.5cm from the top edge is a small rounded rectangle that serves as his hair, approximately 2.0cm by 1.5cm, with another piece 5cm to the right and slightly above. In between these 2 pieces are 3 horizontal lines, 0.5cm each in a column. Beneath these lines, about 1cm, is his nose and mouth encompassing 3.5cm long by 4.0cm wide areas (at widest and longest points). His nose is circular and his mouth is shaped into a grin, and the edges of his smile come up on either side of his nose. 1cm below this is a detailed version of his shirt front. His shirt front is shaped like an arrow head 9.5cm wide by 9cm long. The edges have recessed stars (shirt front) with 3 rectangles recessed down the center. To the left of his shirt front, butting the left edge, is a circle 6cm long with 4.2cm width due to connecting to the left edge and a slight 0.1cm curve on the right. Beneath this, in the bottom left corner is a larger circle, about 20.5cm in diameter with relief wood along the left and top of the circle. Recessed within the circle is the outline of a woman's head and shoulders about 19cm long and 10cm wide at her ehad and 17.5cm wide at her shoulders. 9.5cm down this outline are her lips, in a smile, in relief wood. Beneath this circle and to the right are 2 sections of relief wood with the vertical lines which are the detail of the clown's pants. The first section below the circle has 6 vertical lines each about 2cm long and 0.5cm wide, with 0.5cm spacing in between. The second section has 5 vertical and slightly wavy lines, each line gradually longer than the last, with a max length of 14cm, farthest to the right. Moving right along the bottom is a relief detailing part of a tent, a crowd, and stands in an area 24cm wide by 16cm long (see picture for more detail)***. Directly above the tent, about 7.5cm, are 3 circles. The first, and smallest circle is done in relief with a diameter of 4.5cm and connects (edge to edge) with a second larger circle with the outline in relief and the center recessed with a diameter of 6.5cm. The third circle is centered above the other circles, 3.5cm above the joint of the 2 attatched. This circle is done in relief wood and has a diameter of 6.5cm with a cutout of 1.0cm on the right edge. Directly right of this top circle is the relief design of a boy's lips in a smile 4cm wide by 1.5cm long. 5.5cm above the top lip is the boys hair done in relief wood, approx 8cm wide by 7cm long. The rest of the boys face is recessed. Sides: residual red stain near the front and dark marks in the grain. Back: Residual red stain across the back, black marks in the grain. Fingerprints are present around the edges. "Red" has been handwritten in the center in pencil and "No 403" has been stamped in purple ink to the right and up frm "Red".
Wood (basswood or pine)
40.5 cm L x 50.3 cm W x 2.2 cm H
;"Red" is handwritten in pencil on the back. "No 403" is stamped on the back in purple ink.
Printing T&E