Block, Wood


Accession Number:
Picture Block*** Tongue and groove rectangular block stained yellow and measures 2.2cm thick by 50.6cm wide (horizontal) and 40.4cm long (vertical). Part of a 3 part series of 2015.1.142a stained blue, 2015.1.142b stained red and this block stained yellow. Front: This block does a combination of filling the recessed areas of the previous blue and red blocks at the top and provides detail in the bottom half. Occupying the right side of the block is the outline/detail of a woman playing a bugle. This is created using a combo of recessed and relief wood. Starting at the top is her hat, the brim and front edge use relief wood, while the tall pillbox part is recessed approximately 6.5cm by 7.5cm long. Coming down from the pillbox is relief wood in the shape of a chin strap going down to the left and her hair going down to the right, separated by recessed wood to differentiate the two sections. The rest of the following description is the relief wood that details her military style (or marching band) jacket. Going down from the chin strap is a line which joins another line 1cm down, then splits into two lines heading right to form the top edge of her collar (4.5cm) and her shoulder (10cm to the right edge) going 5.5cm down the right edge and curving (3.5cm out) to form her shoulder pad detail. Halfway down the collar (1.5cm) there is a line to the left outlining her second shoulder carrying on down from the shoulders is a line down the middle of her torso with four horizontal lines with clasps on the end, forming the military like details of her jacket (see photo). To the left of her shoulders is part of a tent (in the background) and then a relief line to delineate her cuff, approximately 5.5cm long and curved at the left edge. *Bugle player is in the foreground* Underneath the recessed section that should be her arm is another outline and minor detail of a tent in the background. Slightly up and to the left (next to her cuff) is another detailed section of a third tent in the background. Up and to the left of this tent is a final detailed section of another tent against the left edge. Directly above this is the outline of a ferris wheel, rising 14.5cm along (up) the left edge. Finally, along the top are 4 rays of light (relief wood) that vary in thickness and length; the two left are shorter than the two right. Mixed into these details is the outline of the bugle (in the foreground) that the woman is playing, measuring 22cm wide (horizontal) and about 8.5cm long (vertical). Sides: residual yellow stain and dark colour in grain Back: "No 406" is stamped in the center over the top of illegible pencil marks.
Wood (basswood or pine)
40.4 cm L x 50.6 cm W x 2.2 cm H
Printing T&E