Block, Wood


Accession Number:
*Picture Block* Tongue and groove rectangular block Front: stained yellow. Block is mostly recessed using a circular headed tool, except for 3 relief wood shapes. The first relief shape occupies almost the top 2/3s of the block and measures 22.5cm wide by 23.5cm long, with a small recessed semi-circle in the bottom edge about 2cm at the widest point. There is a 2cm recessed space between relief shape and the top and right edges, as well as a 1.5cm space between the shape and the left edge. 4cm up from the bottom and 5cm from the left edge is the second relief design measuring 2.2cm wide by 3.5cm long. 9.8cm to the right is the final relief design 2.5cm wide by 3.5cm long. Yellow stain is concentrated to the relief wood while the recessed areas are more of a brownish-green. Sides: some residual yellow ink stain near the front. Some black ink marks in the grain. "T32" written in pencil on the left side. Back: "T32" and "Yellow" are written in pencil on the back right side.
Wood (basswood or pine)
25.6 cm L x 33.2 cm W x 2.3 cm H
;"Yellow" and "T32" written in pencil on the back right.
Printing T&E