Block, Wood


Accession Number:
*Text Block* rectangular tongue and groove wood block. Front: mostly relief wood with recessed numbers and letters. In the right half "100" has been carved beginning 0.6cm from the right edge and 0.6cm from the bottom edge and measures 15cm wide by 10.3cm long. In the left half, 2 words have been carved on a slight up and left diagonal. The first is "LAP" with the top right corner of the "L" beginning 2cm from the top edge and 15.5cm from the left edge. Each letter is 4.5cm tall (long) and covers 14.5cm wide (for entire word, each letter is approximately 4.3cm wide). Beneath "LAP" is the word "FEATURE", 3.5cm long by 14.5cm (in total). Block is stained a combination of red ink on the relief wood, with blue ink stain within the recessed areas. Sides: plain wood with blue ink stain residue on the bottom, top, and right sides. Black ink marks present in the wood grain. Back: paper strips (2) have been glued to the bottom and top. Black ink marks on paper and in the wood grain.
Wood (basswood or pine)
11.2 cm L x 32.1 cm W x 2.3 cm H
Printing T&E