Block, Wood


Accession Number:
*Picture/Filler Block* Rectangular tongue and groove joined wood block. Front: Block is mostly recessed using a circular tool, with yellow stain concentrated on the relief sections, and recessed areas appear a green-brown colour. Beginning at the bottom is a rectangular relief shape of plain yellow wood measuring 32.4cm wide by 8.7cm long. At the top is another rectangular relief section measuring 32.4cm W by 4cm L, with a rectangular recessed area 15.8cm wide by 3cm long, beginning 8.3cm from the right edge. 1cm below the longer sections are 2 horizontal lines (one on the left and one on the right) 8.5cm wide by 0.3cm long (thickness of the line). 2cm below these lines are 2 stars (4.5cm by 4.5cm area), with 3 0.5cm relief dots below them. Top of this block will line up partly with the bottom sections of blocks 2015.1.15c and 2015.1.15d. Sides: plain wood with residual yellow stain near the block front, and there are dark ink stains in the wood grain. Back: Residue of blue, red and yellow stain in spots around the edges. Strip of brown paper glued across the bottom edge. "Yellow" written in pencil in the center with "DAG 326" written on a strip of masking tape in red ink just above. There are dark ink stains in the wood grain.
Wood (basswood or pine)
36.2 cm L x 32.4 cm W x 2.3 cm H
;"yellow handwritten in pencil in the center of the back of the block.
Printing T&E