Block, Wood


Accession Number:
*Picture/Filler Block* Third block in a four part series. Tongue and groove rectangular wood block. Front: the top half of this block provides background for the first two blocks in this series. In the top right there is a relief design measuring approximately 27.4cm wide by 8.5cm long--piece has jagged edges and acts as a base for text on the next block (2015.1.165d). 14.5cm down from the top left corner is another relief design which provides a backdrop for the carousel and fair tents from 2015.1.165a. The final relief section is 15.5cm long and forms a large arc shape (under the cutout sections from 2015.1.165a&b). The arc crosses the entire width of the block. Every other section is recessed. Block is stained yellow--yellow colour is more concentrated on relief sections. Sides: residual yellow and red stain. Dark ink stains in the wood grain. Small cut, through the entire block 12cm from the bottom left corner. Back" "Yellow" is written in black pencil crayon across the black. "No 48" has been stamped in purple in the bottom left. Dark ink smudges left in the wood grooves.
Wood (basswood or pine)
38.6 cm L x 32.9 cm W x 2.3 cm H
;"No. 48" stamped in purple ink on the left side (back of the block. "Yellow" has been handwritten and underlined in black pencil crayon.
Printing T&E