Block, Wood


Accession Number:
*Text/Accent Block* tongue and groove rectangular wood block. Fourth block in a four block series. Front: Block has been stained blue, mostly recessed and can be separated into 3 distinct sections. The bottom section has a 0.6cm relief border surrounding it and covers an area of 33.1cm wide by 18.5cm long (at the longest point which is at the center), top boarder is curved. The inside of this section has been recessed using a circular headed tool. The second section is directly above the first and uses the top curved border as its (2nd section's) bottom border. It has a matching curved border at the top, with two straight borders on the left and right edges. This section occupies a 33.1cm wide by 14cm long area. The third section occupies the same space that blocks 2015.1.165a&b will occupy in the finished product. In the top left corner is a recessed area for the horse's head 6.3cm wide by 8cm long (at the widest and longest points). To the right of this area is a relief section with recessed text "It's your fair--" occupying 27.7cm wide by 3.5cm long (words are on a curve). Beneath this is a second line of text, this time in a recessed section, words are in relief and read "So Be There!"", also on a curve 24.5cm wide by 4.5cm long. Directly above the second section is some detailing relief designs of the fair scene from block 2015.1.165a. Stain is more concentrated in the outer recessed areas. Sides: plain wood with residual stain near the front of the block. Wood grains have ink stains/smudges. Right side has 3 nails in the bottom. Back: 4 1/3 strips of paper run horizontal across the back. One at the top edge, one 19.5cm below the first, one 0.7cm below the second, one 0.3cm below the third and 1/3 of a piece in the bottom right corner, (at one time was probably a full strip). Between the first 2 strips, part of the word "Blue" (underlined) is visible. Back also has ink stains/smudges in the wood grain.
Wood (basswood or pine)
53.3 cm L x 33.1 cm W x 2.3 cm H
;"Blue" is handwritten across the back in pencil crayon (black), partial covered by paper strips (back of block).
Printing T&E