Plate, Lithograph


Accession Number:
*Picture Block* Tongue and groove joined wood block with an attached zinc plate. Front: Has 2 recessed and 2 relief levels. In the wood block are 3 recessed portions: 1) Top left corner is 9cm wide by 3.2cm long 2) 2.8cm to the right, is a second recessed section about 11.5cm wide by 4.8cm long at the widest and longest points. 3)Bottom left corner has a third recession shaped like stairs (but more rounded) measuring approximately 19.5cm wide by a) 9cm long b) 5.6cm long c) 3cm. The rest of the wood block is relief wood, and on this section the zinc plate has been attached. The zinc plate has both recessed and relief areas as well. It shows details of a midway scene. Starting in the top right corner is the etching of a capsule like fair ride, approximately 10cm wide by 10cm long in total. Below this is a design, for tents in an area 10cm wide by 6.1cm long. To the left of the tents and capsule ride is an etching of a ferris wheel in a 7 by 7cm area. Next (left) to this are 3 oval shapes on a long stick (8.5cm long by 3.8cm wide). Left of this is a tent (4cm wide by 3.8cm long). Finally at the left edge is a building like shape, 6cm wide by 6.5cm long. As you move, the left design moves slightly up (following the stair like recessed section). Sides/Back: plain wood.
Wood (basswood or pine) and zinc
17 cm L x 30.6 cm W x 3.3 cm H
Printing T&E