Block, Wood

Block, Wood


Accession Number:
*Picture Block* Tongue and groove joined wood block that has been broken into two pieces. With the two pieces together the block resembles and "L" shape. The top section (left) is broken off. The top piece is 25.7cm wide by 23.4cm long. The bottom piece is 50.5cm wide by 29.5cm long. This block is the second block in a three block series of blue, red, and yellow. Front: Stained red. The block is mostly recessed with areas of relief wood that outline and fill in a series of images. The prominent image is that of a leaning woman, which goes the full length of the left side. Her torso does not begin until the top broken off block, because her legs go the full length of the bottom block. Her left leg is fully extended approximately 12cm from the left edge, while her right leg is bent at the knee bringing her toes 7.7cm from the bottom edge. Her torso is leaning to the left while she looks to the right and begins to reach there with her left arm. Her right arm is bent upwards, and she has short chin length hair. Also, this woman's silhouette is primarily done in relief wood, with tiny sections being recessed. Also, much of the relief wood has tiny parallel grooves that go across horizontally and in a diagonal; these sections include her legs, face, arms, and parts of her chest. These grooves give the relief wood a washboard effect. There are 2 relief shapes to the left of her right foot, which is bent. The first is a 3.5cm by 3.4cm shape along the left edge; the second is 1.0cm to the right and 4.2cm by 1.9cm with a gap where the top right corner should be. There is another rectangle shape 6.6cm to the right of her left foot measuring 5.3cm by 3.8cm, with a gap where the bottom left corner should be. In the bottom right corner of the block is a fair scene, done in relief, that takes up an area of 21.5cm by 19.5cm. It is difficult to distinguish what everything is because there are very few recessed areas to define what everything is. There are 3 sets of parallel grooves that collide along the bottom edge if this scene. The first object on the left has a rounded top and is 7.4cm wide. The relief wood then breaks off into 2 lines: the first is 1.2cm wide by 8.3cm long, and the second is 1.0cm wide by 8.2cm long (tall). The relief wood then climbs up and over to the right edge in straight lines. Sides: 2 horizontal parallel grooves along the bottom side. There are black ink marks on all sides (except broken off sides). Strips of wood are peeling from the edges. There is a label on the top side of the top block with the previous temporary number written on it. There are also 2 horizontal parallel grooves across this same side. In the middle of the bottom side there is a very faded "No. 401" (?) stamped in purple ink. Back: There is an incision on the top edge of the bottom block that is 1.3cm long. There is a strip of masking tape on the top block with "DAG 276" written on it in red marker. The previous temporary number is written right below the tape in pencil directly on the wood. There are fingerprints and smudges all over the surface.
Wood (basswood or pine)
53.1 cm L x 50.5 cm W x 0 cm H
;"No. 401" is stamped on the back of the top section of the block in purple ink. "Red" is also handwritten in pencil across the back of the bottom.
Printing T&E