Block, Wood


Accession Number:
*Picture Block* Almost square tongue and groove wood block. Block 1 in a 3 block blue, red and yellow series. Front: stained blue--portrays a detailed image of a fair scene. Block is mostly relief wood with designs done in recessed wood. Starting at the bottom is an image of a ride with cars spinning around a semi-circle 5.7cm long by 33cm wide. This measurement includes a 1.2cm ridged (washboard) edge. Above to the left is an image of a carousel measuring 13.5cm long by 17cm wide. With a flag pole extending up at the top for 4cm and the flag 0.5cm long by 1cm wide. To the right of the carousel is an area 16.5cm wide by 11cm long of buildings or stands. There is one focus (foreground) building to the immediate right of the carousel with the other buildings as a background feature. Along the bottom of this area is an outline of a crowd. Extending up from the top of this section, about 4.6cm from the right edge is tall tower building 1.9cm wide by 14cm long. The final detail is a ferris wheel in the top center of the block--centered in between (but above) the carousel and focus building. Ferris wheel measures 10.5cm wide by 18.5cm long. Sides: Plain wood with residual blue ink near the front edges and in the wood grain. Back: plain wood with very dark ink stains in the wood grain. At the top are 3 strips of brown 9ink stained as well) paper. 1). brown left edge--3.6cm wide by 23.1cm long beginning in top left corner. At the top of this piece a metal rectangular hanger has been attached with a screw. 2) Slightly overlapped by the first piece, this strip runs across the top edge measuring 6.4cm long by 30.1cm and runs to the top right corner. Attached at the end of this strip is a second rectangular metal hanger. 3) Top half overlapped by the second strip of paper, this strip begins in the top right corner and goes down the right edges, 6.4cm wide by 12.4cm long. Around the edges spots of residual stain are visible.
Wood (basswood or pine)
32.8 cm L x 33 cm W x 2.3 cm H
Printing T&E