Block, Wood


Accession Number:
*Picture/Accent Block* Tongue and groove joined square wood block. This is the fourth block in a four block series. The relief sections fill in outlines and negative space made by the outlines in 2015.1.193a. Front: Relief wood stained yellow, and recessed wood stained a green-yellow color. There is a balloon with a diameter of 8.3cm in the top left corner made from relief wood (the bottom edge is cut off. 13cm to the right is the right half of another balloon with a diameter of 12.8cm. Both balloons have a recessed line on the right side to give the appearance that they are round and reflecting light. In between the 2 balloons are 2 curves connected to a circle 2.5cm in diameter. This relief design is the decorations on the woman's hat. On each side of the recessed area where her face should be is a relief section of hair. Below her face is a relief semi-circle with recessed designs of parts of the fair design. The bottom right corner is almost completely recessed. In the left corner is part of the ride where 2 cars are swung upside down. To the right is the 10.5cm tall support beam with 8 recessed circles around it, which are the cars that swing around the beam. To the right, is the top half of the tent which is 5cm tall with a flag on top. Continuing on to the right is the recessed area where the carousel and ferris wheel should be. Back: There is a strip of masking tape in the top left with "DAG 308" written on it in red marker.
Wood (basswood or pine)
33 cm L x 33 cm W x 2 cm H
;"T225" is stamped onto the back in 2 spots. In one of the sections it is stamped multiple times in the same spot. Above it "Yellow" is handwritten in pencil very faintly.
Printing T&E