Block, Wood


Accession Number:
*Text/Picture Block Rectangular tongue and groove joined wood block. Block one in a three block (blue, red, and yellow) series. Block has an 11cm by 7cm cutout where the zinc plate has been fitted. Front: Stained blue-mostly recessed with relief wood acting as designs. Beginning in the bottom right corner is a rectangular design representing a ramp 5.5cm wide by 2.5cm long. Directly above this is a design of a car with "LUCKY LOTT" written on the door speeding off the ramp (car is in mid-air) 21.2cm wide by 7cm long angled up and left, width includes 9 speed lines from the back of the car to the right edge. Connecting to the hood and bumper of the car is a jagged circle/bubble surrounding the zinc plate, 17.2cm wide by 13cm long. Wood block has been augmented to fit in the zinc rectangle (11cm wide by 7cm long) which has four lines of moveable type face reading "smashing" "crashing" "cars and" "Motorcycles". Below this in the bottom left corner is the design for a truck with a flatbed (which it appears to be trying to land on) measuring 18.7cm wide by 4.8cm long. The final relief designs are 2 rows of curving text reading "HELL DRIVERS", with the letters' outline being relief wood. "HELL" measures 8.5cm down the left edge (beginning 6.8cm down from the top right corner) and narrows to 5.2cm long. The entire word is 17.5cm wide. "DRIVERS" begins 6.5cm from the right edge and 9.5cm from the top edge, below the "E" in "HELL" and is 3.5cm long at the "D" and widens to 7.0cm long at the "S". Word curves up to just below the top left corner approximately 24.5cm wide. The board has been recessed using a circular headed tool. Residual electric blue (mostly) and yellow stain from the block being used in non-traditional print exercises. Sides: Residual electric blue, yellow, red, and orange paint smudges from use in non-traditional print exercise. Dark ink stains in the wood grain as well as near the front edges of the block. Back: More residual non-traditional paint smudge along the outer edges, mostly on the left. Cut marks overlaid with duct and clear tape, where zinc has been fitted. Cuts appear to be about 4.5cm long (6 cuts), but true length is difficult to determine with the overlapping tape. Dark ink stains in the wood grain.
Wood (basswood or pine)
28.7 cm L x 32.9 cm W x 2.3 cm H
Printing T&E