Block, Wood


Accession Number:
*Accent/Picture Block Rectangular tongue and groove joined wood block. Block 3 of a 3 part (lithographic, red and yellow) series with blocks 2015.1.21 and block 2015.1.163. Blocks were spread out and not accessioned together but are a series. Front: Stained yellow-mostly recessed block with relief wood providing block design. Block has been roughly recessed using a circular headed tool. Relief wood is all joined together to form one fluid design but can be split into four design purposes: (1) Bottom left-design of 5 point star measuring 12.5cm wide by 10cm long-left point meets the left edge 13.5cm above the bottom left corner and bottom left point is 5.1cm above the bottom edge. Top point is cut off by joining the second design (2) Outline of a billboard measuring 1.1cm wide by 5.5cm long (left billboard outline-thickness of the line and meets the left edge). It then moves down and right, getting gradually thicker (1.2cm-2.0cm) for 28cm. Then it turns up and right for 15cm (1.6cm thick) where it meets the third design. (3) Third design is relief filler in between the billboard top and the skyline (seen on other blocks) that would be at the top. Begins 1.1cm down from the top left corner and goes down 14.5cm on the left edge (this section has incorporated the top edge of the billboard). This design then moves right for 3cm and then diagonally up and right for 7.5cm, then right for 24.5cm, then down and left for 4.2cm then to the right edge (4cm). Design moves up the right edge for 7.9cm before curving and forming a wavy top line (matching the bottom edge of the skyline) diagonally up and left back to the starting point (see picture for more detail). (4) In the top center of the billboard are the words "IN PERSON" on a curve, covering an area of 15.2cm wide by 3.8cm long. Yellow stain is concentrated to the relief areas of the block. There are also smudges of bright blue, red, and yellow from the block being used in a non-traditional printing exercise. Sides: Residual yellow ink stains on sides near relief wood, and dark ink stains in the wood grains. Non-traditional paint smudges are visible on all sides. Back: 6 vertical strips of brown paper have been glued to the back. All strips are 38.2cm long but vary in width; starting on the left with a 2.6cm wide strip. The rest of the strips are 5.1cm wide and spaced about 0.8cm apart. At the top and bottom two horizontal strips have been glued over the top of the vertical strips-all 4 strips are 5.1cm long by 32.9cm wide. There are some dark ink smudges on the paper in the corners and four spots of red ink: two in the top left-in between the first and the second vertical strips and on the first strip. Two along the second horizontal strip up from the bottom.
Wood (basswood or pine)
38.2 cm L x 32.9 cm W x 2.3 cm H
Printing T&E