Block, Wood


Accession Number:
*Picture/Accent Block* Tongue and groove wood block. Front: Stained blue-possibly combo as there is red in the recessed areas. Block has mostly been recessed using a circular implement, leaving relief wood for designs. Overall picture cannot be definitively determined but could be an image of a clown in a tuxedo (?). Block can be split into 3 relief sections: (1) Starting in the top left corner are four relief pieces forming one section: a square like piece 4.7cm wide by 4.5cm long; a triangle like design 13.5cm wide along the top edge, 1cm down the right, 4.7cm down the right, then diagonal to form a point 8.2cm from the top edge, and it is centered under the top edge; ½ (top) of an arrow point begins just below the second shape's point, 10cm up and right then down 3.2cm 9following a rectangular recession in the top right corner 13.9cm wide by 5.5cm long), then horizontal to the right edge 13.9cm. only top half of arrow is seen due to a circular recessed cutting off the bottom. Final detail is a thin relief line following the curve below the first 3 designs and outlining recessed circles. (2) Begins 2cm below arrow end (against right edge) and follows the right edge down to the bottom corner (34.6cm). Top part is triangle-like 7cm long by 14cm wide (widest point) and features a recessed tail (?) or curving arrow (?). Moving down there are 3 semi0circular indents of varying sizes (larger as you move down). (3) Final relief section is the outline of a pair of cartoonish hands (left appears to be snapping fingers and right pointing down) and part of a tuxedo. Left hand measures (left when facing block) 7.5cm wide by 13.8cm long about 3.5cm from the left edge. Right measures 11.4cm wide by 12.2cm long. In between the two hands is what appears to be buttons of a tuxedo, with a wavy metal plate (8.5cm long) defining these buttons from the rest of the block. There is one word of text on this block. The word "TO" has been recessed into the arrow, 10.1cm from the right edge. Sides: Residual ink near the relief edges and in the wood grain. Back: ink stains in the wood grain and outer edges and the backside of the front metal plate. Blue ink spot 23.4cm above the bottom left corner. Yellow stain of ink in the upper center and a smudge of red in the lower right side.
Wood (basswood or pine)
43 cm L x 33.1 cm W x 2.3 cm H
Printing T&E