Category 8: Communication Objects➔Documentary Objects➔Literary Works
Category 8: Communication Objects➔Documentary Objects➔Literary Works
Category 8: Communication Objects➔Documentary Objects➔Literary Works
Category 8: Communication Objects➔Documentary Objects➔Literary Works
Category 8: Communication Objects➔Documentary Objects➔Literary Works

Category 8: Communication Objects➔Documentary Objects➔Literary Works


Hard covered reader Book II which is authorized for use in the public schools of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. The book was printed in 1930 and is 159 pages long. There are some tears in the first couple of pages which have been taped together The second page has pictures of some flags and the only one that can be seen is the Red Ensign (Merchant Ships).  The book is in large print and contains stories as well as poems.The cover is a grey colour with a piture os a girl in a field.