Category 4: Tools & Equipment for Materials➔Woodworking T&E➔Machine, Woodworking➔Planer, Wood
A wood bench plane with metal frog assembly. It is a solid block of wood with a handle and an iron blade that emerges from the bottom. To use it the person would have to set it flat on a surface of wood sliding it across. The blade would carve of any of the lumps and bumps on the wood leaving the surface smooth. Most wood benches are mostly wood but because of the metal frog this significantly has more wood. The metal frog is the piece in the middle that holds the blade in the plane. This example also has a knob for extra grip support in the front along with the average handle in the back of the plane.
fun fact: it is referred to as a BENCH plane because they are usually used at a woodworkers bench. ~root~>