Category 3: Personal Objects➔Clothing➔Footwear➔Shoe➔Moccasin
A pair of moccassins .They have the traditional moccasin pattern with the rounded area covering the top of the shoe,laces and barely visable design sewn in.
Traditional moccasins have been around since before the 1800's. Since that is too vague we can look at the dates of materials used. They have sections of worn out leather similar to the leather of a 1900 baseball glove. The metal used in the eyes for shoelaces are copper judging from the green substance climbing up them. Copper dates back to 9000 BC so, not very helpful. The fabric sewn on the edges to create a hem appears to be linen. Linen has been found in old caves from the days of cavemen so, that will not help either. Although, the deco is made of coloured polyethylene. Polyethylene is more commonly used in tarps and was found in 1933.only three years later the Europeans created the Irish counter part called the "Weejun".
To conclude all of that information these would be one of the last ones worn as everyday footwear because the modern shoe began to take over.~root~>