
Welcome to the Grand Coteau Heritage & Cultural Centre’s photographic archive.


How to use this site:


BROWSE -  this displays the entire collection, over 3400 photos, which you may scroll through. Keep scrolling down; more will load as you go. You can narrow down the results by selecting the options on the right (object title, decades, nomenclature category)


ADVANCED SEARCH -  you can perform a search for specific photos by searching using either by Keyword, Title, Accession Number (this is a unique number assigned to each photograph), or Date Range

Search Box -  similar to using Advanced Search. For example, try searching for street names, businesses, organizations, people etc.


GALLERY -  here you will find a Museum-curated collection of photos related to a particular theme. They will change periodically.


CONTACT -  please contact us if you have any questions, if you would like to purchase a print, or if you would like to donate photographs to our archives.

Hours of Operation:
May 1 to September 30: Monday to Saturday 9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.
October 1 to April 30: Tuesday to Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00p.m.
440 Centre Street
Phone: (306) 297-3882

gchcc@sasktel.net - General Inquiries
heritageGCHCC@sasktel.net – Inquiries Regarding Photographs
Kelly Attrell
Collections Manager