Photographic Postcard

Photographic Postcard

Archival item

July 1 1943
Photographic Postcard, centre street, looking south, 300, 200, 100 blocks Buildings visible from left to right: “Shaunavon Standard, ?, ?, Imperial, (some intervening unidentified buildings), C.P.R. Train Station House, Shaunavon Hotel, (some intervening unidentified buildings), Ohio Cafe, (some intervening unidentified buildings), Shaunavon Butchers, ?, Idlehour” . There are some cars along the street side and some unidentified people. The back is set up as a post card. Identical to 1988.16.186b and 1988.16.165. Has a negative in the negatives folder for box 6 (2002.32.71)
Width: 13.95 cm; Height: 8.9 cm;
Notes: Printed on a post card form.