

Archival item

May 4 1964
Photograph of group of Masons taken at the Shaunavon Lodge. 53 Men are in the picture. All those pictured are wearing their Masonic Aprons. Those pictured are: Back Row: Leroy Cowan, ?, E.K. Olson, H.C. Jensen [Climax], ?, Vic Morris [Climax], C.E. Spencer, Floyd Cowan [Rockglen], ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Blake Todd, Dave Mitchell 3rd Row: Syd Stevens, Max Houston, E.K. Olson, Don Ross, Neil Ross, Harold [or Phil] Hanlon, Al Houston, ?, Mike Kalen, ?, ?, ?, Frank Hook 2nd Row: Jim Cowan, J.R. Fennel, Ray Ballentine, Alan Sanburn, Doug Binkley, Neil McLean, C.W. Busse, ?, ?, ?, Norm Hall, Henry Tasche [Eastend] Front Row: Gerald Cowan, T.L. Ferguson, Billy Bock, ?, Al Running [Admiral], ?, ?, ?, Sig Skaftfeld, Glen Binkley, ?, F.G. Horsey
photographic paper
Width: 25.6 cm; Height: 20.2 cm;