Photographic Print

Photographic Print

Archival item

circa 1910
Black and white photo of a First Nations family; three males, 5 females and one dog. A tent is seen to the left of the group.
People in photo have been identified by descendants:
Back row left to right:
Maeline (Lena) St. Denis [born 1906 Maple Creek daughter of Madeleine and Frank St. Denis],
Madeleine St. Denis nee Cayen [(1874 Duck Lake or Muskeg Lake, SK), Daughter of Marie McGillis (1830-St. Francois Xavier, MB). Her mother: Marguerite Bottineau / Botino and father, Alexandre Jerome McGillis) and; Kitowehâw Alexandre Cayen (1834-St. Boniface, MB and first Chief of Muskeg Lake First Nation). His father: Pierre Narcisse Cayen and mother Adelaide Kaseewetin Arcand.
Frank St. Denis (1872)  [Father was Celestine St. Dennis/St. Denis and Josephte Houle among those living in or near Maple Creek]
Middle Row:
Mary J St. Denis / Brown (daughter of Lizzie St. Denis, granddaughter of Madeleine and Frank)
Front Row:
likely Josephine Trotter / Trottier (daughter of Rose St. Denis),
The younger men are possibly the sons of Frank and Madeleine but it isn't confirmed.

People in image are associated with people, or are the same people in 1981.51.1, 1981.57.1, 1981.59.1
Width: 8.9 cm; Height: 14.9 cm;