Block, Wood


*Picture/Accent Block* Rectangular tongue and groove joined wood block. It is part 3 of a three block series of blue, red and yellow. Front: Block is stained yellow and is mostly recessed with the relief detailing of 2 circles and the stands of block 2015.1.175a. Starting in the bottom right corner, there is a triangle shape of part of a tent measuring 8cm wide by 7.9cm long (to triangle point). 3.5cm to the right of the bottom left corner is a second triangle measuring 12.5cm wide by 5cm long (to the tip). 8cm directly above the right corner triangle is a vertical rectangular line which is part of the right most stand measuring 0.6cm wide by 6.1cm long. 9cm to the left is a parallel rectangle of the same dimensions. Below the second rectangle begins the design for the second stand which has 3 components: a)8.3cm long by 2.3cm wide rectangle with recessed five lines (0.6cm each), an oval (0.7cm wide by 2.5cm long) below the lines, and a rectangle 1cm wide by 1.4cm long at the bottom. b) A rectangle (3.7cm wide by 1.7cm long) with a scalloped bottom, situated 3.3cm left of a)'s top left corner. c) the top of the stand which is a rectangle 10.7cm by 1.8cm long, with a spade shape attached above, 5.7cm long by 5cm wide (widest and tallest points). To the left of this is the detail for the third stand. Beginning 3cm below the bottom left corner of the rectangle/spade design is a vertical rectangle measuring 0.7cm wide by 6.7cm long. To the left of this (on a slight up diagonal) is a square measuring 7cm wide by 7cm long. Centered above the square is a final rectangle measuring 5cm wide by 2.5cm long. The final relief details for this block are 2 relief circles near the top. 7cm down from the top left edge is a relief circle 5.9cm in diameter with 4 recessed dots in the upper right section. 21.7cm down and 0.9cm in from the right edge is a second relief circle, identical to the first. Rest of board is recessed using a circular headed tool. Sides/Back: Plain wood with yellow ink stains near edges and in the wood grain.
Wood (basswood or pine)
Length: 66.09999999999999 cm; Width: 48.3 cm; Height: 2.3 cm;
Notes: Height refers to the thickness of the block; width measures horizontally, and length measures vertically.

"BOTTOM" is stamped in red ink on the back bottom right side. "Yellow" is handwritten in red pencil crayon in the back center.
Gift of the Derksen Family