Block, Wood
*Text Block* Tongue and groove rectangular wood block. Front: Block has been stained yellow with the stain more concentrated upon the 3 relief sections. The rest of the block is recessed using a circular headed tool. The first relief section is a rectangle measuring 31cm wide by 10.1cm long and is 1cm from the top and right edges and 0.8cm from the left edge. The second relief design is a rectangle with a semi-circle attached to the top left, 1.2cm from the rectangle's top left corner. The rectangle measures 30.4cm wide by 16.9cm long and is 1.3cm from the right edge, 1cm from the left edge and bottom edge. Semi-circle is 17.5cm across the attached base and rises approximately 9.3cm high. The final relief design provides an outline for what should read "FAIR" written backwards on an up and left diagonal. 6.7cm from the right edge and 19.5cm from the bottom edge is the bottom left corner of the "f" outline. Bottom goes up and right diagonally to the right corner 2.3cm from the right edge and 20.4cm from the bottom edge. It then rises vertically for 10cm where it meets the top right corner, which has a diagonal line from corner to corner. Then it moves at a slight up diagonal for 5.2cm and goes on a down diagonal to connect to the bottom left edge of the top line (1.6cm wide). 3cm below the top line is a small triangle to distinguish the "F" shape, about 2cm wide by 1cm long. The "A" is outlined in the same fashion, but with two cut ins for the horizontal lines of the "F", approximately 10.5cm long by 4cm wide. Underneath are 2 triangles to define the spaces of the "A". The "i" is 9cm long by 5.5cm wide, and 2 designs for the spaces in the "R". There are smudges of electric blue stain, from his block being used as a non-traditional print affair. Sides: some residual blue and yellow stain and black marks in the wood grain. Back: black marks present in the wood grain and "yellow" has been handwritten in the center.~root~>
Wood (basswood or pine)~root~>
Length: 52.7 cm;
Width: 32.8 cm;
Height: 2.3 cm;
Notes: Height refers to the thickness, width measures horizontally, and length measures vertically.~root~>
Notes: Height refers to the thickness, width measures horizontally, and length measures vertically.~root~>
"yellow" handwritten in pencil on the back center of the block.~root~>
"yellow" handwritten in pencil on the back center of the block.~root~>
Gift of the Derksen Family~root~>