Block, Wood
*Picture Block* tongue and groove rectangular block measuring 2.3cm thick by 25.4cm wide and 33.9cm long, with a cutout in the top 2/3 measuring 19.9cm wide by 17.7cm long, beginning 2.6cm from the left and right edges, 4.5cm down from the top edge and 11.6cm up from the bottom edge. Front: stained a brownish red. The majority of the block has been done in recessed wood. which has been chiseled out using a circular headed tool. The only relief wood detail is a border 1cm wide that is flushed to the left and right edge and runs down either side for 25.7cm. Connecting at the top of these 2 border pieces, is a 1cm wide top border approximately 0.5cm from the top edge. Connecting at the bottom of the side pieces are 2 horizontal lines that extend about 6.5cm from their respective edges and narrow to a point at the ends. 1.7cm towards the center (from the narrowed points) begin 2 vaguely triangular shapes starting at a point gradually growing to 2.5cm wide after 5.5cm. Creating the left edge is a piece of wood 1cm wide by 32.3cm long which has been attached to the main board using nails. The bottom 6.6cm of this is recessed, with the remaining portion in relief. Brownish-red stain is more concentrated on the relief wood and parts of plain wood can be seen through the recessed stain. Left attached wood piece has 0.6cm of space to the top edge and 1cm space to the bottom edge. Linear grooves are used directly around all relief for extra definition. Sides: "T32" written in pencil on the left side. Left side board has been attached using 3 finishing nails; 2 at the top and one near the bottom. Black ink marks can be seen in the wood grain, and residual red ink stains. Back: paper has been attached (glued) all over the back. "T32" is written over the paper near the bottom center. Surrounding the cutout are 11 cutmarks, each approx 1.5cm long. There are cutmarks in the bottom corners (2 each) creating a right angle. There are 7 in the top 2 corners; 3 on each side and on rising vertically from the top left corner of the cutout.~root~>
Wood (basswood or pine)~root~>
Length: 33.9 cm;
Width: 25.4 cm;
Height: 2.3 cm;
Notes: Height measures the thickness, width measures horizontally, and length measures vertically.~root~>
Notes: Height measures the thickness, width measures horizontally, and length measures vertically.~root~>
"T32" is written in pencil on the back and left side.~root~>
"T32" is written in pencil on the back and left side.~root~>
Gift of the Derksen Family~root~>