Block, Wood
Tongue and groove joined wood picture and text block. Front: Green-blue stained rectangle block with a 31.8cm (long) by 7.5cm (tall) rectangle shape cut out of the top left corner. There are 2 sections to the design of the block. The top half is raised polished wood stained the green-blue colour with the scene carved into it. Across the top is the carved word "BASEBALL", but because of the rectangle shape missing in the top left corner, the only letters completely visible are "BA" and half of the "S". Only the bottom 2-4cm of the other letters are visible. At its tallest and widest sections the "B" measures 12.5cm by 5.0cm (wide), and the "a" measures 10.8cm (tall) by 6.5cm(wide). The scene below the word is the top half of a man ready to bat. He is 19.7cm tall and 16.0cm wide from arm to arm. His bat is 18.9cm long. Behind him is the top half of a crouching batcatcher and then an umpire. The batcatcher is 14.0cm tall, and from his glove to his back he measures about 17.0cm. The umpire is 19.6cm tall and about 9.5cm wide. The second design section of this block is chiseled down and has a 0.8cm border of raised and polished wood. The stain is black around the edges and disappears at the middle. In the bottom left corner there is a 0.5cm wide hole that goes through the entire block. Side: there is a label on the bottom side with the previous temporary number written on it. There are 2 incisions along the 2 sides where the rectangle shape was cut out in the top left. One is on the horizontal side in the middle, and the second is in the inside corner. There are also a few drilled in holes along the horizontal side. Back: there is a strip of masking tape along the right side with "DAG 283" written on the tape in red ink. There are 2 lines of dripping blue paint at the top near the left.~root~>
Wood (basswood or pine)~root~>
Length: 65.59999999999999 cm;
Width: 48.5 cm;
Height: 2.2 cm;
Notes: Height refers to the thickness, width measures horizontally from side to side, and length measures top to bottom.~root~>
Notes: Height refers to the thickness, width measures horizontally from side to side, and length measures top to bottom.~root~>
Gift of the Derksen Family~root~>