Block, Wood
Solid wood rectangular picture block. Front: stained yellow. The top half of this board is part of a semi-circle, the curve of which begins 14.7cm down from the top left corner and ends 9.7cm down from the top right corner; the longest part, which is just slightly left of center, is 19cm. Connecting at the bottom of the semi-circle are 4 lines: 3 curve towards the right and one curves to the left. The left curving line is split in 2, leaving space for a flag (triangle) and then connects to a stand 6cm below the semi-circle. On the left side of the block, below the semi-circle by about 0.5cm is the outline of a ferris wheel 15.5cm long. The ferris wheel then connects to the top of a tent approximately 6.5cm long and 12cm wide at the widest point. Across the bottom (same raised piece as the tent) is a jagged rectangle 6cm long by 31.5cm wide, which would be the backdrop for the crowd. Attached to this same piece is the outline of 4 stands. The closest stands to the right (the yellow block shows them as one) measures 10cm wide by 17.5cm long, with a birdcage shape and 2 flags attached to the top. Just below the 2 flags is the indented shape for a tiger's face. The next stand is rectangular shaped with an elongated (tall) semi-circle in the middle. The final stand is a rectangle with a dome on top approximately 8cm by 11cm wide (at widest and tallest points). Attached at left corner, and above the third stand are the 4 curving lines from the semi-circle. The above described areas are all raised wood with chiseled areas surrounding them. Sides: plain wood with residual yellow stain Back: strip of paper attached to the top left corner. "T228" stamped in the center with purple ink.~root~>
Wood (basswood or pine)~root~>
Length: 41.8 cm;
Width: 32.3 cm;
Height: 2.3 cm;
Notes: Height refers to the thickness, width measures from side to side, and the length measures how tall the block is from top to bottom.~root~>
Notes: Height refers to the thickness, width measures from side to side, and the length measures how tall the block is from top to bottom.~root~>
"T228" is stamped onto the back in purple ink~root~>
"T228" is stamped onto the back in purple ink~root~>
Gift of the Derksen Family~root~>