Block, Wood


large rectangular wooden block. Front: stained red, with one raised design with the most concentrated red stain and two recessed sections with stain concentrated in the areas bordering the red raised section. The first recessed section occupies the top right corner and measures: top-28cm, right-65.5cm, and diagonal bottom-71cm. The second recessed section occupies the lower left side approximately 15cm up from the bottom corner and approximately 30cm from the top left corner. This recession measures: left side-20cm, top line-30.6cm, right side (on a right diagonal)-25cm, bottom side begins with a slight up and left curve and then runs straight for 22.5cm to meet the left edge. Recessed sections have been chiseled leaving circular scrape marks. Edges: some residual red stain Back: plain solid wood with residual red stain
Wood (basswood or pine)
Length: 101.5 cm; Width: 65.5 cm; Height: 2.2 cm;
Notes: Numbers listed are the maximum measurements in each category. The height measurement refers to the thickness of the wood block with the raised wood design. The length is the longest measurement of the three. It measures the distance across the surface of the block from side to side.
Gift of the Derksen Family