Auto Knitter Instruction Book (1923);Auto Knitter Instruction Book (1923)

Auto Knitter Instruction Book (1923);Auto Knitter Instruction Book (1923)


1923, 1923
Instruction booklet for an auto knitting machine by The Auto Knitter Hosiery Co., Ltd. This edition was published in 1923. It contains images and instructions for how to use the machine to make socks, shirts, and other articles of clothing.

Instruction booklet for an auto knitting machine by The Auto Knitter Hosiery Co., Ltd. This edition was published in 1923. It contains images and instructions for how to use the machine to make socks, shirts, and other articles of clothing.
Paper;, Paper;

Tools and Equipment for Science and Technology, Tools and Equipment for Science and Technology, Documentary Artifact, Documentary Artifact, Book, Instruction, Book, Instruction