Saskatchewan Abilities Council "Supported Employment" Brochure;Saskatchewan Abilities Council "Supported Employment" Brochure

Saskatchewan Abilities Council "Supported Employment" Brochure;Saskatchewan Abilities Council "Supported Employment" Brochure


Saskatchewan Abilities Council brochure about the supported employment project that encourages organisations and businesses to hire an individual with an intellectual disability. A job coach is part of the project, and is organised by the Swift Current branch of the Saskatchewan Abilities Council. The brochure contains information and details about the project.

Saskatchewan Abilities Council brochure about the supported employment project that encourages organisations and businesses to hire an individual with an intellectual disability. A job coach is part of the project, and is organised by the Swift Current branch of the Saskatchewan Abilities Council. The brochure contains information and details about the project.
Paper;, Paper;

Tools and Equipment for Science and Technology, Tools and Equipment for Science and Technology, Documentary Artifact, Booklet, Documentary Artifact, Booklet