Saskatchewan Abilities Council "Supported Employment" Brochure;Saskatchewan Abilities Council "Supported Employment" Brochure
Saskatchewan Abilities Council brochure about the supported employment project that encourages organisations and businesses to hire an individual with an intellectual disability. A job coach is part of the project, and is organised by the Swift Current branch of the Saskatchewan Abilities Council. The brochure contains information and details about the project.~root~>
Saskatchewan Abilities Council brochure about the supported employment project that encourages organisations and businesses to hire an individual with an intellectual disability. A job coach is part of the project, and is organised by the Swift Current branch of the Saskatchewan Abilities Council. The brochure contains information and details about the project.~root~>
Saskatchewan Abilities Council brochure about the supported employment project that encourages organisations and businesses to hire an individual with an intellectual disability. A job coach is part of the project, and is organised by the Swift Current branch of the Saskatchewan Abilities Council. The brochure contains information and details about the project.~root~>
Paper;~root~>, Paper;~root~>
Tools and Equipment for Science and Technology~root~>, Tools and Equipment for Science and Technology~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Booklet~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Booklet~root~>