Dand's Sales Receipt (1954-05-01);Dand's Sales Receipt (1954-05-01)
May 1 1954, May 1 1954
Receipt for Dand's store in Swift Current, located at 53 3rd Avenue Northwest. The receipt is dated May 1 1954, and is $4.95 for turkey and chicken.~root~>
Receipt for Dand's store in Swift Current, located at 53 3rd Avenue Northwest. The receipt is dated May 1 1954, and is $4.95 for turkey and chicken.~root~>
Receipt for Dand's store in Swift Current, located at 53 3rd Avenue Northwest. The receipt is dated May 1 1954, and is $4.95 for turkey and chicken.~root~>
Paper~root~>, Paper~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Receipt~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Receipt~root~>