Block, Wood
Rectangular wood printing block. Front: stained a dark blue/black colour and is carved to reflect a waving blue section and flag pole of the Union Jack flag. Flag is carved into the middle of the block with the flagpole 6.0cm from the right edge and the bottom corner of the flag 4.0cm from the left edge. Flagpole runs vertical across the length of the board (11.9cm). Flag and pole are raised with the remaining area of the board covered in circular chisel marks, with a few linear marks inside the flag. Back: plain piece of wood with a piece of masking tape labelled "DAG 322" on the left side.~root~>
Wood (basswood or pine)~root~>
Length: 11.9 cm;
Width: 32.6 cm;
Height: 2 cm;
Notes: Numbers listed are the maximum measurements in each category. The height measurement refers to the thickness of the wood block.~root~>
Notes: Numbers listed are the maximum measurements in each category. The height measurement refers to the thickness of the wood block.~root~>
Gift of the Derksen Family~root~>