Swift Current Bible Institute Oratorio Choir Christmas Concert Program (1993-12-04);Swift Current Bible Institute Oratorio Choir Christmas Concert Program (1993-12-04);Swift Current Oratorio Choir Program The Swift Current Oratorio Choir Presents Their Annual Christmas Program

Swift Current Bible Institute Oratorio Choir Christmas Concert Program (1993-12-04);Swift Current Bible Institute Oratorio Choir Christmas Concert Program (1993-12-04);Swift Current Oratorio Choir Program The Swift Current Oratorio Choir Presents Their Annual Christmas Program


December 4 1993, December 4 1993
Program for the Annual Christmas Concert by the Swift Current Bible Institute Oratorio Choir. The concert took place at the First United Church on 4 December 1993. The program also mentions a second concert the next day in Gravelbourg.

Program for the Annual Christmas Concert by the Swift Current Bible Institute Oratorio Choir. The concert took place at the First United Church on 4 December 1993. The program also mentions a second concert the next day in Gravelbourg.
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