Canadian Ration Book No. 4 (c.1940s);Canadian Ration Book No. 4 (c.1940s);Canadian Ration Book Ration Book 4
1944, 1944
Ration Book 4 issued by Wartime Prices and Trade Board to Winnifred Andrews. Many stamps are missing, and were used to buy rationed food.~root~>
Ration Book 4 issued by Wartime Prices and Trade Board to Winnifred Andrews. Many stamps are missing, and were used to buy rationed food.~root~>
Ration Book 4 issued by Wartime Prices and Trade Board to Winnifred Andrews. Many stamps are missing, and were used to buy rationed food.~root~>
Paper~root~>, Paper~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artefact~root~>, Documentary Artefact~root~>, Book, Ration~root~>, Book, Ration~root~>