Swift Current Bible Institute Oratorio Choir 'The Creation' Program (1983-02-05);Swift Current Bible Institute Oratorio Choir 'The Creation' Program (1983-02-05);Swift Current Oratorio Choir Program Scbi Oratorio Choir Presents "The Creation" By Joseph Haydn
February 5 1983, February 5 1983
Program for a choral concert presenting "The Creation" by Joseph Haydn. The concert was put on by the Swift Current Bible Institute Oratorio Choir. It took place at the OM Irwin Auditorium on 5 February 1983.~root~>
Program for a choral concert presenting "The Creation" by Joseph Haydn. The concert was put on by the Swift Current Bible Institute Oratorio Choir. It took place at the OM Irwin Auditorium on 5 February 1983.~root~>
Program for a choral concert presenting "The Creation" by Joseph Haydn. The concert was put on by the Swift Current Bible Institute Oratorio Choir. It took place at the OM Irwin Auditorium on 5 February 1983.~root~>
Paper~root~>, Paper~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artefact~root~>, Documentary Artefact~root~>, Program~root~>, Program~root~>