Lyric Theatre Opera Ticket Lyric Theatre - The Sound Of Music;Sound of Music Ticket (1967-03-24);Sound of Music Ticket (1967-03-24)
March 24 1967, March 24 1967
Ticket for "The Sound of Music". The performance took place at the Lyric Theatre on 24 March 1967.~root~>
Ticket for "The Sound of Music". The performance took place at the Lyric Theatre on 24 March 1967.~root~>
Ticket for "The Sound of Music". The performance took place at the Lyric Theatre on 24 March 1967.~root~>
Card Stock~root~>, Card Stock~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Ticket~root~>, Ticket~root~>