"Those Were The Days" Article Apr. 10/70 Those Were The Days;Swift Current Sun - Those Were The Days Clipping (1970-04-10);Swift Current Sun - Those Were The Days Clipping (1970-04-10);Swift Current Sun - Those Were The Days Clipping (1970-04-10);Swift Current Sun Clipping (1970-04-10)
April 10 1970, April 10 1970
A clipping of a weekly series from "The Sun" newspaper called "Those Were The Days". The series was written by Jim Greenblat as he reminisces on the past of Swift Current.
This particular article is from 10 April 1970. It talks about Ken Lewis, Ralph Desbrisay, and Kem Aberdeen. All were teachers and helped out with Arts related events. The article also summarizes what their children were doing at the time.~root~>
A clipping of a weekly series from "The Sun" newspaper called "Those Were The Days". The series was written by Jim Greenblat as he reminisces on the past of Swift Current. This particular article is from 10 April 1970. It talks about Ken Lewis, Ralph Desbrisay, and Kem Aberdeen. All were teachers and helped out with Arts related events. The article also summarizes what their children were doing at the time.~root~>
A clipping of a weekly series from "The Sun" newspaper called "Those Were The Days". The series was written by Jim Greenblat as he reminisces on the past of Swift Current. This particular article is from 10 April 1970. It talks about Ken Lewis, Ralph Desbrisay, and Kem Aberdeen. All were teachers and helped out with Arts related events. The article also summarizes what their children were doing at the time.~root~>
Paper~root~>, Paper~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artefact~root~>, Article~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artefact~root~>, Article~root~>