"Those Were The Days" Article May. 22/70 Those Were The Days;Swift Current Sun - Those Were The Days Clipping (1970-05-22);Swift Current Sun - Those Were The Days Clipping (1970-05-22);Swift Current Sun - Those Were The Days Clipping (1970-05-22);Swift Current Sun Clipping (1970-05-22)

"Those Were The Days" Article May. 22/70 Those Were The Days;Swift Current Sun - Those Were The Days Clipping (1970-05-22);Swift Current Sun - Those Were The Days Clipping (1970-05-22);Swift Current Sun - Those Were The Days Clipping (1970-05-22);Swift Current Sun Clipping (1970-05-22)


May 22 1970, May 22 1970
A clipping of a weekly series from "The Sun" newspaper called "Those Were The Days". The series was written by Jim Greenblat as he reminisces on the past of Swift Current. This particular article is from 22 May 1970. It talks about two stories in Time magazine in their December 1949 issue of people who were once residents of Swift Current. The first was Walter Gurney, who established a world-famous natural history and curio museum, and fell for a "Nigerian Prince" Scandal. The other was of Carmen Liz Clarke (Nurse Elizabeth Clark), who received nurse training in Swift Current.

A clipping of a weekly series from "The Sun" newspaper called "Those Were The Days". The series was written by Jim Greenblat as he reminisces on the past of Swift Current. This particular article is from 22 May 1970. It talks about two stories in Time magazine in their December 1949 issue of people who were once residents of Swift Current. The first was Walter Gurney, who established a world-famous natural history and curio museum, and fell for a "Nigerian Prince" Scandal. The other was of Carmen Liz Clarke (Nurse Elizabeth Clark), who received nurse training in Swift Current.
Paper, Paper

Communication Artefacts, Communication Artefacts, Documentary Artefact, Documentary Artefact, Article, Article