Kodak Microfilm Camera
Kodak Recordak Starfile Microfilmer microfiche camera. The camera was used by the Swift Current Public Library to keep a record of library cards and books that were taken out. There is an accompanying microfiche with this data on it, but it is currently unaccounted for.~root~>
Kodak Recordak Starfile Microfilmer microfiche camera. The camera was used by the Swift Current Public Library to keep a record of library cards and books that were taken out. There is an accompanying microfiche with this data on it, but it is currently unaccounted for.~root~>
Kodak Recordak Starfile Microfilmer microfiche camera. The camera was used by the Swift Current Public Library to keep a record of library cards and books that were taken out. There is an accompanying microfiche with this data on it, but it is currently unaccounted for.~root~>
Metal; Plastic~root~>, Metal; Plastic~root~>
A handwritten note taped to the machine reads: "Limit of 2 Books per Subject". The serial number is "202-7159"~root~>
A handwritten note taped to the machine reads: "Limit of 2 Books per Subject". The serial number is "202-7159"~root~>
A handwritten note taped to the machine reads: "Limit of 2 Books per Subject". The serial number is "202-7159"~root~>
Tools and Equipment for Communication~root~>, Photographic T&E~root~>, Camera, Microfiche~root~>