Lyric Theatre Open Stage Poster (2008-03-13);Lyric Theatre Open Stage Poster (2008-03-13);Lyric Theatre Poster Open Stage // This Year, Get More Than A Hangover Out Of St.Patrick's Day
March 13 2008, March 13 2008
Poster for a Lyric Theatre Open Stage. The event was for Saint Patrick's Day and took place on 13 March 2008. The poster has a stylized illustration of a man.~root~>
Poster for a Lyric Theatre Open Stage. The event was for Saint Patrick's Day and took place on 13 March 2008. The poster has a stylized illustration of a man.~root~>
Poster for a Lyric Theatre Open Stage. The event was for Saint Patrick's Day and took place on 13 March 2008. The poster has a stylized illustration of a man.~root~>
Paper~root~>, Paper~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Advertising Medium~root~>, Poster~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Advertising Medium~root~>, Poster~root~>