Package, Sucaryl Sweetener;Sucaryl Sweetener;Sucaryl Sweetener

Package, Sucaryl Sweetener;Sucaryl Sweetener;Sucaryl Sweetener


Unopened carboard box of Sucaryl sweetener or sugar replacement. The box contains a package of artificial sweetener, a plastic bottle of Sucaryl and a plastic dispenser. The plastic bottle has the ingredients listed on it, and contains 100 tablets. The label on the box reads "Non-Caloric Sweetener Sucaryl". It has text written in both French and English, and also has illustrations of various foods.

Unopened carboard box of Sucaryl sweetener or sugar replacement. The box contains a package of artificial sweetener, a plastic bottle of Sucaryl and a plastic dispenser. The plastic bottle has the ingredients listed on it, and contains 100 tablets. The label on the box reads "Non-Caloric Sweetener Sucaryl". It has text written in both French and English, and also has illustrations of various foods.
Cardboard; Plastic; Cyclamate Sodium, Saccharin Sodium, Cardboard; Plastic; Cyclamate Sodium, Saccharin Sodium
"69" is written on the front.

"69" is written on the front.
Tools and Equipment for Science and Technology, Merchandising T&E (Food Related), Tools and Equipment for Science and Technology, Package, Foodstuff, Merchandising T&E (Food Related), Package, Foodstuff