City of Swift Current Sidewalks Map (c.1980s);City of Swift Current Sidewalks Map (c.1980s);Map Of City Sidewalks By Type, 1980's City Of Swift Current
1985, 1985
Map of "City Sidewalks by Type" from the 1980s. The map has a legend that includes cement walks, asphalt walks, cement curb, and asphalt curb. No scale is given. ~root~>
Map of "City Sidewalks by Type" from the 1980s. The map has a legend that includes cement walks, asphalt walks, cement curb, and asphalt curb. No scale is given. ~root~>
Map of "City Sidewalks by Type" from the 1980s. The map has a legend that includes cement walks, asphalt walks, cement curb, and asphalt curb. No scale is given. ~root~>
Paper~root~>, Paper~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artefact~root~>, Documentary Artefact~root~>, Map~root~>, Map~root~>