Grade 4&5 Heritage Fair Program St. Patrick School Proudly Presents The Grade 4&5 Heritage Fair;Saint Patrick Elementary School Heritage Fair Program (1999-03-23);Saint Patrick Elementary School Heritage Fair Program (1999-03-23)

Grade 4&5 Heritage Fair Program St. Patrick School Proudly Presents The Grade 4&5 Heritage Fair;Saint Patrick Elementary School Heritage Fair Program (1999-03-23);Saint Patrick Elementary School Heritage Fair Program (1999-03-23)


March 23 1999, March 23 1999
Program for the "Grade 4 & 5 Heritage Fair" from Saint Patrick Elementary School. The fair took place on March 23 1999. The program includes the names of all students involved and the title of their project.

Program for the "Grade 4 & 5 Heritage Fair" from Saint Patrick Elementary School. The fair took place on March 23 1999. The program includes the names of all students involved and the title of their project.
Paper, Paper
Communication Artefacts, Communication Artefacts, Documentary Artefact, Documentary Artefact, Program, Program