Elmwood School Class, Swift Current (1924-05);Elmwood School Class, Swift Current (1924-05)

Elmwood School Class, Swift Current (1924-05);Elmwood School Class, Swift Current (1924-05)

Pièce d'archives

May 1924, May 1924
A negative of the Elmwood School student body, taken May 1924. Students are gathered outside of the school. This is the right half of a full image. The caption reads "Elmwood Public School Swift Current Sask May 1924".

A negative of the Elmwood School student body, taken May 1924. Students are gathered outside of the school. This is the right half of a full image. The caption reads "Elmwood Public School Swift Current Sask May 1924".
Safety Film, Safety Film

Communication Artefacts, Documentary Artifact, Negative, Film