209th Battalion, 18th Reunion (1934-07-19);209th Battalion, 18th Reunion (1934-07-19);Negative, Film
Archival item
July 19 1934, July 19 1934
A negative of the 18th reunion of the 209th Infantry Battalion at the Swift Current Cenotaph in Memorial Park. The reunion took place on 19 July 1934.~root~>
A negative of the 18th reunion of the 209th Infantry Battalion at the Swift Current Cenotaph in Memorial Park. The reunion took place on 19 July 1934.~root~>
A negative of the 18th reunion of the 209th Infantry Battalion at the Swift Current Cenotaph in Memorial Park. The reunion took place on 19 July 1934.~root~>
Safety Film~root~>, Safety Film~root~>
Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Negative, Film~root~>, Communication Artefacts~root~>, Documentary Artifact~root~>, Negative, Film~root~>